Holiday Fair in Wola Park

Holiday Fair in Wola Park

More and more osób wants to eat healthy. Nothing difficult about it when you shop in Wola Park. The center invites you to the Product Fairóin the Regional from August 11 to 14.

On a daily basis it is difficult to find articles without preservativesów. In Wola Park during the Fair it will be fortunately very simple. Between August 11 and 14, customers will find many kinds ofóin meats made according to traditional recipes and smoked with real fish smoke. There will be no shortage of róalso regional cheeseów: from Biały Dunajec, Dutch and Korycin bread, and of course fragrant, crunchy bread baked on natural sourdough. The sweets available at the Fair also have health-promoting properties. Miód strengthens the heart, soothes the nerves and improves mózgu. It has antibacterial properties and is a natural antibiotic. Bakery products, in turn, help prevent cancer and heart attacks, relieve róalso stomach ailments. Despite appearances rówAlso challah is full of vitamins. It ranges from vitamin A to those in the B group, to vitamin E and H, and even vitamin T involved in platelet production.

Product Fairów Regional in Wola Park will be held near the storeóin C&A and KappAhl.

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