Polish superfoods, or why you should reach for native fruits and vegetables

Polish superfoods, or why you should reach for native fruits and vegetables

„Superfoods” is a category productów with unique properties. Amongód them on a specialóln addition, local seasonal vegetables and fruits deserve attention. „Super food” of natural origin contains valuable ingredients for the body and has extraordinary nutritional value. An expert from the campaign will talk about what riches are hidden in native products „Time for a tomato, or how not to love Polish vegetables and fruitów” – Magdalena Jarzynka-Jendrzejewska, a nutritionist and specialist in the field of health. nutrition.

Garlic – on immunity and bóle of the head

For the honorable title of superfoods deserves garlic – A natural antibiotic, a treasure trove of chemically active compoundsów – contains flavonoids, amino acids, saponins, mucilaginous compounds, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as essential oils rich in sulfur and allicin. Effectively prevents viral infections of the respiratory system and supports the immune system. Garlic destroys parasites of the digestive tract, such as pinworms, które happen to children, especially at preschool age. Sulfur compounds contained in garlic inhibit the development ofój bacteria without destroying the natural bacterial flora – Which is the case with typical antibiotic therapy. This vegetable has beneficial effects róalso on the circulatory system, as it has anticoagulant properties (protects against heart attack and stroke), improves the elasticity of blood vessel walls, lowers blood pressure and helps regulate cholesterol levels. It also soothes bóheadaches and facilitates falling asleep.

Parsley – natural source ofódilation of vitamins

Just one tablespoon of green leavesóIn parsley to provide the daily requirement of vitamin C. Parsnips also contain a high dose of iron and beta-carotene, vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese.

In the essential oils of parsley we find apiol and myristicin, whichóre act as disinfectant and diuretic, which benefits the urinary system and supports the treatment of kidney stones. Essential oils in parsley work również a diastolic and relieve bóle. Regular consumption of green leavesów aids digestion, relieves gas, bloating, stimulates the liver and detoxifies the body. These greens have a beneficial effect róalso on eyesight.

Pumpkin – will take care of the liver and prevent obesity

A plant with medicinal properties – pumpkin. Lowers blood cholesterol levels, helps treat high blood pressure, kidney failure, headachesób liver, obesity and relieves metabolic disorders. It is an excellent source ofóa source of beta-carotene – only ½ A glass of pumpkin pulp will provide the daily norm of beta-carotene for a child. The pulp is also rich in vitamin C, PP, B1 and B2, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. On the particularóThe most noteworthy are róalso pumpkin seeds – Sourceódło of vitamins E, A and C, as well as essential unsaturated acidóin fatty acids (EFAs). The seeds lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and have antiparasitic (against roundworms, tapeworms and pinworms), diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Kale – Already appreciated in medieval Europe

Green leaves of kale contain very high amounts of vitamin K, whichóra plays an important role
in the process of blood clotting, has a beneficial effect on calcium metabolism and bone calcification. It has anti-inflammatory effects and is rich in valuable antioxidants – Chlorophyll, lutein or sulforaphane, as well as vitamins C, E and A –natural substances that protect against cancer and slow down the aging process of the body. Kale is also a source ofóA source of B vitamins, folic acid, fiber, as well as an ingredient ofóIn minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Chokeberry – królowa health

Also on the list of superfoods is chokeberry, considered by someórych considered the world's healthiest berry fruit. This fruit is recommended for diabetics, as it contains chlorogenic acid, whichóry opóIt reduces the absorption of glucose. Chokeberry bioflavonoids – rutin and anthocyanins are beneficial for improving eyesight and contribute to lowering blood pressure. Rutin further supports and prolongs the effect of vitamin C, increasing the body's immunity. Chokeberry is an antioxidant bomb, as in addition to flavonoids it also contains quercetin, catechins, leucocyanins, as well as a lot of vitamin E and C. Thanks to such properties, it is considered an anti-cancer fruit and supportive of pharmacological agents used to treat cancer.

Cranberries – In the fight against bacteria and heart disease

Strong antimicrobial properties, whichóre used in bacterial diseases of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract or gum disease has róalso cranberries. It is best known for its beneficial effects on the urinary system – Cranberries contain quinic acid, whichóry also protects against the formation of kidney stones. This fruit helps róalso destroy Helicobacter pylori bacteria – considered to be the mainóa common cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It also has probiotic properties – supports the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. Cranberries have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, as they have an anticoagulant effect and help lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol. Red fruits prevent plaque, also reduce the incidence of periodontal and gum disease. It's a treasure trove of antioxidants – Vitamin C, beta-carotene, as well as polyphenols and flavonoidsów, thanks to whichórym prevents heart disease and cancer.